Friday, September 4, 2009

Health Care....

The whole country is talking about health care. Its a huge deal right? Me and Jeb have talked about it a lot. I realized as we talked that I don't share my thoughts on politics at all. Outside of a very very small group of people (you know who you are) I keep my thoughts to myself. I wondered why, am I afraid? I realized maybe it wasn't right. The thing is I don't feel like I am educated enough at times to make my case very well. But then Jeb was reading to me a book that talked about that very attitude. That one person can and should make a difference. So I thought maybe I should voice my opinion.

Health Care is a tricky thing. People ask the questions (I've seen them on blogs, comments of news, on facebook, everywhere!!) "do you want people to die because they don't have health care? Do you want people to go bankrupt because of huge medical bills?" and many other questions along the same frame.
What stupid questions. What would anyone say about that? OH yes yes let the poor people die in the streets!!!!

So when people ask that question what they are really trying to say is, if you don't support government health care you are sentencing people to death or poverty. I JUST DON"T BELIEVE IT!!!

We already have government health care by the way its called medicaid and medicare, and all you have to do is research that a little bit to find the corruption and problems with it. Why do we with think more government will solve this?

From a historical perspective it won't work. Every country that has started government health care has huge problems with it. Oh but we will be better we will be different, we will learn from their mistakes, the people say. Reaaallly? We will???? You can guarantee it? There will be no corruption, no people are standing behind this plan ready to make millions of dollars. You are sure of that? Because you are betting some of our freedoms on this you know. And I am not sure, so I am going to say no! Because the old saying is very very true. You can not get something for nothing. It is not possible. Free health care will cost. You can not get it without giving. In this case it will cost money (somebody has to pay the bills.... who... oh yeah the tax payers!) and it will cost freedom. You can not deny it. At no time has this country began giving out things without some freedoms being taken away. Its just not possible for it to be otherwise. It is has not been otherwise in any other country in will not be any different for ours. Surely people realize that people who live in places with Government Health Care, want to be treated somewhere else, somewhere like America?

But what is the answer. Because yes there are problems, and yes something needs to be done. So now I am just going to share this article which demonstrates a lot of what I think could and should be done. Let me know your thoughts. But please be polite! That's all I ask. :)

This is from

Health Care Reform Through Personal Responsibility
by: Carol Korte Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
True health care reform needs to happen not only on a national level, but also at the individual level in the form of personal responsibility.

Individuals in society today are quick to lay blame elsewhere, not willing to take personal responsibility for their actions. This action (or inaction) is a major factor in the massive increases seen in health care costs in the United States.

In The 5,000-Year Leap, Cleon Skousen said that the “greatest threat to economic prosperity is the arbitrary intervention of the government into the economic affairs of private business and the buying public.”
He delineates four areas of governmental responsibility: the policing of illegal force to compel purchasing or selling, fraud, monopoly, and debauchery of the “cultural standards and moral fiber of society by commercial exploitation of vice.”

The Proper Role of Government in Health Care
Based on the role of our federal government as defined by the constitution, there should be governmental intervention in health care: bringing to task the unethical practices of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

The Huffington Post reported that American Medical and Life Insurance Company was advertising comprehensive health coverage for just $5/day, preexisting conditions being irrelevant, primarily targeting the ads to the uninsured or underinsured. After being charged $419 per month for coverage, one woman had only $1,164 of her $28,000 hospital bill paid by the insurance company.
This is where the federal government should intervene, helping to stop these unethical and fraudulent business practices.

Additionally, the cost of medical malpractice insurance is exorbitant. Imagine having to pay one-third of your salary for mandatory malpractice insurance coverage, not to mention also paying the $12,500 per year for your own private health care coverage.

It’s no wonder physicians fees are so high! There are many frivolous lawsuits brought against doctors, causing these insurance premiums to continue to rise, hence raising the cost of medical care.

The Proper Role of Individuals in Health Care reports that in 2007, 75% of health care costs were spent on chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes. Approximately half of these conditions are linked to preventable problems such as smoking, obesity, and lack of physical exercise. Conditions such as these drive up medical care costs and decrease the availability of physicians.

Imagine a society where people took control over their own health and didn’t expect others to clean up after their actions (or inaction); a society where there was no smoking, drastically reducing the rates of lung cancer; a society where one out of every three people were not obese.

Imagine if fast food were eliminated, if children moved off the couch and away from the computers into the backyard or neighborhood park, and if malpractice lawsuits were only used when truly necessary and in settlement amounts that are ethically reasonable.

What if the pharmaceutical and insurance industries were limited to only reasonable charges and you knew that, when you got sick and relied on it the most, the insurance you have would help you to cover the costs of your illness?

Let’s let government take care of the unethical business practices occurring in the health care industry, and let each one of us do our share in taking care of ourselves. Be educated about your health and what you can do to improve your health. Teach your children how to lead healthy and responsible lives.
Let’s not rely on the government to clean up our own messes. Let’s
take responsibility for ourselves


Debra said...

A few thoughts on your comments...when you have military benefits and receive virtually no medical bills I am sure it is hard to realize what some other people go through. I don't think that health care should be "free" either. I think most people are asking that an option be available to them that is affordable. Paying 600/month, plus 1000 per year per person deductibles, plus our 80/20 split, that is a huge sum of money. Especially when you have had four hospital visits in a year like we have this year. When you have preexisting health issues (like Dave), you CANNOT get an affordable independent plan. Your premiums are jacked up higher due to your health history (like $1000 a month). That is dang frustrating when you work your butt off and still can't afford to live because of your out of pocket medical and insurance premium costs. As someone that has a mailbox full of medical bills, I firmly believe other options need to be available to people. Not free options. Better options.

Traci Elizabeth said...

I agree...great post

Salinda W. said...

I know what you are saying Debra. And I have only been in the military for two years. I have been marriedd with children for nine years. I went many years without health insurance, had babies, even sick babies in hospitals without insurance. Its a very hard thing. Its also a thing that I learned better how to take care of myself so we didn't need to go to the Doctor all the time. ANd if more people would do that and less people overused insurance companies, then insurance would be cheaper, as the article states. So that then more people could afford insurance for when something major did happen.

Salinda said...

I found your blog quite by accident. I was googling my own blog and found yours! It's not often I find another 'Salinda'. Your children are beautiful.

I appreciate your willingness to speak up about a policitcal hot button.

-salinda b.

Rachel H. said...

The argument that it is free in other countries is just ridiculous to me- yes, free if you don't mind a 50-60% tax rate!! No thanks, I'll keep my money and chose my own health insurance!!!

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

I have a hard time forming a firm opinion on such an issue.
I DO NOT believe that the government should take over health care. I DO agree that the government should step in and prosecute abuse and, in truth, theft. But how?
Health care is not black and white.


Gary and Char said...

Salinda, your father and I both agree. I do feel for those who don't have the options that I have. But a government policy is not the answer. We have had our share of struggles with insurance
($3,000 per person deductible)and we have had myself, Gary, and kids in the hospital, but you do manage to get through.

Tammy Jensen said...

Here's my 2 cents,

Healthcare is not about healthcare - it's a vehicle for power. Out of the MANY issues that could be zoned in on, why is it healthcare at this moment...Rahm Emanuel said it best, "Don't let a good crisis go to waste." So why are we talking about health care when there are immensely more urgent and dangerous issues - some of which will be propelled by government healthcare (the economy, the bill of rights, corruption etc.)
My opinion, this is not about health care. This is about power. (Which also means it is about Freedom)
Glenn Beck has it right. A quarantine on legislation in or out until the corruption is taken care of. He's got a plan... It's working! To hear the whole story watch him on Youtube the last two weeks episodes. (If you don't have time for all of it, just the special on 9/12) It's brilliant, I think even enlightened, and I believe it is empowering Americans (not dems/republicans), Americans to preserve the freedom of the Republic.
Salinda, thanks for standing. We stand with you...even an ocean apart!
Love you guys!