Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Eve.... WHAT?!?!?!

So here it is Christmas Eve. I am in many ways in total shock. This month has more then flow by and I can't seem to catch up. I have really wanted to come on the blog and post updates I have so many things to post but I never seem to find the time. Since Thanksgiving we have been kept busy with school things, dance things, Christmas things, oh yeah and moving! Yes we have moved again. That now makes it three times (if we don't move again while we are in Japan) in three years! If you count the crazy time before we came to Japan it is something like 5 times in five years....... (big sigh here)

The story is long of why and how we moved and I'm not sure if I should tell it because I am trying to put it behind me and be positive. Anyway we are here in our new place and its Christmas eve and I am "mostly" unpacked, mostly because we moved in on the 22nd I spent the 23rd unpacking what I could and I now have no pantry in my kitchen. Please understand that I have seen it as my duty to store as much food as I can in our pantry in our old place. I have boxes of food, and nowhere to put them. I think I am getting shelves for Christmas. But I have been so thankful for good friends who have helped with kids and our stress of moving, from those who just listened to my complaining and wanted to help me fight off the Air Force housing unit, to those who watched my kids, and let us eat dinner at their house. We are truly blessed. Especially since most of these same friends helped me do all the same things a year ago. So to the Wilsons,the Salmons, the Piersons, the Beyers, the Andersons, the Halls, and everyone else who I am forgetting to mention thanks for the help or even offers to help!

So now I am going to go attempt to dig out some flour and sugar and make some cookies because it is Christmas Eve and it wouldn't be Christmas without some cookies. Of course I am waiting for my mom to call because I can't find my cook books!



Debra said...

Wow! I am sure that was stressful...Christmas can be hectic without having to move to. It's good that you can be so positive about it. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Hope this new place works out! Hope you guys had a great Christmas! We had a great time at Bethine's.

Anonymous said...

you are such a great woman! I can't believe that you are doing everything you are doing and keeping it together! (maybe your not.) I hope that life settles down for you for a little while.Visted your mom and dad the other day. Their house looks great and it looks like they are doing well.Take care.