Monday, January 12, 2009


We were able to move up to a four bedroom house this week since with the new baby coming that is what we qualify for. I was happy to get into a bigger home, and in many ways happy to leave some of our neighbors. I just wonder if we were not crazy to move, again! We have been on the waiting list for a while, and finally we were able to get into a house that I am very happy with so far. It is not remodeled like our other one is but to me it is fine! The only thing I don't really like is that my washer and dryer are now in my kitchen. Oh well. That and I hate moving! We have moved so often lately. Then cleaning our house to pass inspection ( do you clean your dishwasher with a Q-Tip I had to!) anyway, we are in our new house and I am so glad! To bad all this moving didn't send me into labor, I tried really hard to.

The girls were happy to help us pack.

Why is it always so messy to move???? I hate the chaos, but I love the chance to clean out. I decided we have lots of books... but I am always thinking we need more.

Since I have heard from several people that I have not shown my pregnant belly, here it us, not so cute to me. YUCKY. I am packing up the girls clothes here, Fun fun.

The girls were really good sports through it all. I know it is hard to be little and have to sit alot while things are loaded and shuffled and no toys are available because its all a mess. They were great!

Here is my great husband that basically did it all himself.

He was a little tired after he moved the whole house! Do you like our new couch? If you look at the door you can see the park thats basically our back yard. HOW FUN!

I don't know if you know but Harley is a girl scout. And guess what, its now cookie season! Girl Scout Cookies anyone? HAHA I wish we had some family close by to go hit up to buy the cookies. Jeb says he can't believe his daughter is going to be one of those girls that go around with their cute little voice "Will you buy some girl scout cookies pleeease??? " then he says you have to because its a little girl scout and then you walk away cursing the cute little girl with the big eyes because she just cost you twenty bucks in calories you don't need. I thought it was funny, he is such a tough guy. :)
Well I am hoping my next blog I will be saying here is our new baby!


bloodfamily said...

I just love your new couch. We are in the need of a new couch as well. I think your daughter looks really cute in her little sash. I know that I would buy a ton of cookies if she were here. Good thing you are in Japan.

WalkConkies said...

Oh, I need a Samoa cookie now!!! Love the pictures of all of you - especially the one of Harley in the suitcase - that is a classic! Glad you guys are moved and getting settled before the baby comes - love the couch!

Rachel H. said...

samoas and thin mints please!
Love the couch, I love the lounge part of it, very nice for relaxing. At least you may get to get settled in before the baby comes, right?

maddison and tami said...

hey salinda its been such a long time. How is everything going? well i just started this blogging thing i figured my sisters were doing it i should try. i didnt know you were pregnet again. congrats well hope all is well. talk to you soon

Traci Elizabeth said...

So what are you going to name the next girl?? I am excited for you, babies are such a blessing. You look great, by the way. Congrats on the new house! How much longer do you have in Japan?

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

MMmmmmmm, Samoas.....Thin Mints! Oh, how I love cookies! Is there an on- line order form that could go under Harley???
I hate moving. I am so sorry you had to do so much this close to delivery.
Yuck. Hey Jeb worked off all of those calories he will gain (mmmm, cookies)!

Tammy Jensen said...

You look darling...your belly isn't very big at all. We can't wait for your new addition. Love you guys!

Janeal and Brett said...

It was so fun to see a picture of you and your cute little belly! I'm glad that you got moved before the baby came. I bet it's nice to have a bigger house! I hope all is going well. I miss you guys! Can't wait for the baby to be here! Love ya

Anonymous said...

You are a very beautiful pregnant lady! Moving is no fun. THere will come a time when you don't want to move anymore. I am at that point now. I hope you take it easy now. By the way, I love your new couch!

Unknown said...

When will you guys ever be back in the states? You look great and I would love to see you and your adorable girls!!! And even invite you to our dinner parties once we finish up with our ward over the next 4 months.