Sunday, June 15, 2008

Harleys birthday

SO Harley turned 6 years old!! I can't believe she is growing up so fast. Although we missed family we had tons of fun. She invited some neighbor girls, and all her friends from church. How glad I am for the social aspect of the church, which I have never really appreciated before, that you can be somewhere a short while and have friends for your children because of church! Of course being in a military branch they seem to become friends sooner. Harley had a great time, lots of presents, lots of love and attention! OF Course it was great to have a birthday with Daddy again!

Harleys birthday cake....... she worked so hard to blow out the candles. But her Daddy had bought her the trick candles!!! Notice her frustrated face in the 2nd picture????

She kept blowing and blowing. Till finally they went out. Jeb thought he was so funny!

Each girl was able to make her own pizza!! IT was yummy and fun!! Cheese and turkey pepperoni made it Harleys favorite.
The Party was a success and made Harleys day a special one which is what it was all about!

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